Thursday, 12 December 2019


The concept concerns an organic interplanetary craft known as the Moorglade which is an exploration of the innerverse or universe or mindverse, whatever you want to call it, of the spheres of mystical revelation. Also the African percussions are not unusual for Vangelis fans. It is a concept album based on Roger Dean's cover artwork for Fragile. The extreme slow pace of 'Song Of Search', an instrumental that works as a transition point, is followed by the quirky synth-soaked 'To The Runner'. I knew he plays very well acoustic guitars and harpb but I didn't know that he was cappable to play so many others. He said that he hoped to have the first bits of Zamran out in a year. Anyway, you need to wait a bit for some of them, since I'm going to spend the rest of the year linked with Yes, somehow. olias of sunhillow

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All was bared before them. Having said that, I was oias reluctant to delve into solo projects Slowly she dragged herself along the plain, onto the ocean from which point the ocean began to move underneath the feel of the ship. I'm sure he could have done much better than that.


Anyway, this is well worth a listen since it is different from any other Jon Anderson album with the possible exception of Toltec and very different from the music of Yes. And, in my humble opinion, this album sustain my my personal point of view. Inside the ship all had quietened and as Olias and Qoquaq were in a unified trance piloting the ship and Ranyart in deep space of position; the tribes were left to see for themselves their own situation.

olias of sunhillow

Glass Hammer Culture of Ascent. The lyrics search for meaning of existence and the listener searches for meaning of the lyrics. A five in my eyes. IMHOyes my subhillow more than the mere sums of its different parts sunhilloq this shows especially when listening to the solo album.

In my opinion, you was listening two great albums of two great artists that deserve more love and care on Sputnik. This song is a mid-tempo excellent song, and one of the most straightforward songs of the album, it still is incredibly complex in the background.

It seems that Jon Anderson ''envied'' the brilliance of solo artists such as Mike Oldfield and tried to produce his own tubular bells Dance Of Ranyart 2: Yeah, it's the same you do, usually. The songs are all nicely written, with the lush harmonies that he first showed in in songs like We Have Heavenfrom the Fragile album.

JON ANDERSON Olias Of Sunhillow reviews

Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip. Released after Relayer, this album was played entirely by Jon Anderson. The final third is a tranquil instrumental of many synthesizers and some harp. The people had left Sunhillow because the planet could no longer support the tribes.

olias of sunhillow

Jon Anderson Olias Of Sunhillow 4. TheIntruder May 16th Comments. Well I have never paid attention to YES lyrics, the music is enough for me, but Olias has to tell a story so the lyrics are more cured. The text can be read after clicking on the image twice to enlarge it. Great review as always.

Olias of Sunhillow

Overall it is an album that will surprise many listeners familiar to Yes, moreover as a solo album the Yes men were not known for this type of musicianship, but Anderson has created something very special. Despite overboard overdubs and general pomposity, this is a very pleasant album, and I certainly respect the time and effort that went into creating it. Flight of the Moorglade. For many others, without Anderson there isn't Yes.

olias of sunhillow

For me, it works better on Spotify as a single piece of music than it did broken up onto two sides of vinyl. Song of Seven There is an Eastern sound to the next two songs, and the vocal arrangments on "Dance of Ranyart" are pretty amazing. This really isn't my favourite style of music to if to but I think every prog fan should at least check out "Olias Of Sunhillow".

Retrieved 7 February The music here is a seamless combination of acoustic instruments, guitar, sitar, harp, many types of percussion and synthesizers. The Vinyl tells the story in a very cryptic and hard to understand way but it can eventually be deciphered.

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