Tuesday, 17 December 2019


I made three further videos for this series- two with Ash, and one shot with Ben Mergelsberg from Wrangelfilm. Digitale Kompetenzen Sorry, no English subtitles for this one! There are many sides to Edgeryders, and many things to love. Initial vector illustrations were created in Inkscape, the video was assembled in Kdenlive, and audio was mixed in Audacity. Titles and basic animation were prepared in Inkscape and animated with Synfig, and as usual I used Kdenlive for editing and Audacity for sound mix. Meeting the community there kicked off a fruitful continued collaboration, and interesting opportunities like heading to Armenia and Georgia to work with the UNDP and The video below is from the 3rd gathering LOTE3 , in November , when I spent a week in Matera, taking part in the process of planning the unMonastery project, and gave a video post-production workshop using Kdenlive.

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Initial vector illustrations were created in Inkscape, the video was assembled in Kdenlive, and audio was mixed in Audacity. A distributed, collaborative network of people experimenting and building new ways of working, living, and understanding one another.

Sounds used under Creative Commons Attribution: The following sound effects can be found on FreeSound. Digitale Kompetenzen Sorry, no English subtitles for this one!

Whoosh Sounds | Free Sound Effects | Whoosh Sound Clips | Sound Bites

The video below is qav the 3rd gathering LOTE3in Novemberwhen I spent a week in Matera, taking part in the process of planning the unMonastery project, and gave a video post-production workshop using Kdenlive. Reports from the Spot the Future project can be found here There are many sides to Edgeryders, and many things to love.

Meeting the community there kicked off a fruitful continued collaboration, and interesting opportunities like heading to Armenia and Georgia to work with qav UNDP and Titles and basic animation were prepared in Inkscape and animated with Synfig, and as usual I used Kdenlive for editing and Audacity for sound mix. Check out the projects in detail here: Judith Carnaby judithcarnaby Text: The video above wkosh from the 4th annual gathering of the Edgeryders community Living on the Edge 4held at the first unMonastery prototype in Matera, Italy, where I also ran a session on motivation and participation in open source projects.

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But mostly, I love the people, a huge network of talented, engaged people from all over Europe, and some further afield as well. This is a teaser video for the main event woosj in June — the story is told through text, as I also needed to produce Georgian, Armenian and Arabic versions of the video.

Frag den Staat click on CC for English subtitles Frag den Staat Ask the State is a website for submitting, tracking and archiving Freedom Of Information requests in Germany- making it easier and more efficient for citizens to ask their public authorities for information. Fork the project on Gitlab! A respectable, incorporated, responsible front-end, and motley back-end of activists, artists, data geeks, free software developers, hardware hackers, and community organisers.

We also visited and interviewed participants to get international conversations going around their stories, and to start building collaborations throughout the region and further afield. Sam Muirhead cameralibre Additional Illustration: I made three further videos for this series- two with Ash, and one shot with Ben Mergelsberg from Wrangelfilm. Animated with Synfig, a vector-based 2D Free Software program. A website where projects can be built, networks can grow and people can feed off different ideas and perspectives.

The project files are open source, available under a Creative Commons Attribution license, so that any other Freedom of Information site such as those run on Alaveteli or FROIDE can adapt, remix and improve the video for their own language and location.

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